Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Katie Holmes and Patrick Wilson: photos after a Broadway Rehearsal
Hold on tight, Patrick. This going to be quite a ride!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Update on Watchmen Videos (Yes, it's a plural!!!)
Currently the plan is to have the animated story-within-the story "Tales of the Black Freighter" released on DVD five days after Watchmen opens in the theater on March 6, 2009. Gerard Butler will provide the voice for the main character.
That DVD is expected to include a backstory segment on the Watchmen characters entitled "Under the Hood" (Watchmen readers will recognize that phrase.)
Then, the Watchmen DVD will be released in July 2009 (I would think that would be in conjunction with the annual San Diego ComicCon).
Then, holiday season 2009 an Ultra DVD release with the Watchmen and "Tales of the Black Freighter" edited together as one movie--just as it is in the Watchmen graphic novel.
Rope of Silicon article.
And, don't forget you can read more about "Watchmen", and Patrick Wilson's other projects at Patrick Wilson Fans--the NEW UnOfficial Site. News, photos, links, and a great messageboard!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Another look at Patrick Wilson as "Barry Munday".
What do YOU think of this different look?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Patrick Wilson is returning to Broadway!!!
Theater and dates will be announced shortly. Read more
It's not a musical but it IS Patrick Wilson performing live. Those of us who have seen him on stage have experienced his incredible stage prescence. He's insanely talented.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Watchmen Trailer date? And, "behind-the scenes"!
From the CHUD site (Cinematic Happenings Under Developement) here is an article about "Watchmen" in which Patrick Wilson plays "Dan Dreiberg/Night Owl II" (see photo above). It talks about some behind-the-scene info given by an extra. READ MORE.
The article also states:"And by the way, in case you didn't have enough reasons to see The Dark Knight... well, my excellent sources tell me you'll get to see your first glimpse of Watchmen in action in front of that film." Here's a list of the opening dates (US and internation) for "Dark Knight". First places are in mid-July. IMDB-Dark Knight.
And, there's been speculation in some circles that Zack Snyder will be presenting something about Watchmen at the San Diego Comic-Con July 24-27. Comic-Con
Friday, May 16, 2008
First look at Patrick Wilson at "Barry Munday"
Wait until you see the look he is sporting for this film: READ MORE
Thursday, May 15, 2008
"Passengers" is being screened again at Cannes
Patrick Wilson slated for Moveable Arts 2008 Summer Workshop
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Patrick Wilson to part of new cast recording
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Patrick Wilson messageboard updates!
Don't forget to check out the messageboard at Patrick Wilson Fans (the NEW UnOfficial Fan site.)
Updates about various projects and topics have been posted. It's a great place to find the latest Patrick Wilson news. Read more
Friday, May 2, 2008
"Life in Flight" (Patrick Wilson, Amy Smart)-Reviews and Director Interviews
The movie stars Patrick Wilson, Amy Smart, and Lynn Collins. News, reviews, and interviews